Dear parents and students,
Can you believe it’s May already! I will tell you, they are smiling, excited, and wound up for summer. It is all I can do to keep them contained…and that’s just the teachers…the kids are excited too! J
Let me take this moment to thank everyone for your continued support of JWES. The students, staff, and families all rose to meet this year’s challenges. Your hard work and time that you give your child makes their success here at school even better.
The Kindergarteners have once again survived their first year, only 12 more years to go! 1st grade worked, grew, and read more than ever before, great times ahead for you next year. The 2nd graders also celebrate another accomplished year and are ready to head to a whole new hallway…the 3rd grade hall, treat it well, gang. This year’s 3rd graders are poised to be my leaders. Are you ready for the responsibility? Finally, the 4th grade; I look forward to seeing the great things you can accomplish in middle school and beyond. Rah! Rah! to all of the grades.
I want to thank all of the Teachers, Custodians, Cooks, Para-educators/aides, Secretaries, Special Education Teachers, Substitutes, Bus drivers and Volunteers for your hard work and dedication to JWES. Please take the time to thank these people personally for their efforts and energy. Their time and commitment to your children is invaluable!
Finally, I wish everyone a happy and safe summer. If you are moving on to other towns or schools, we are happy to have had the chance to get to know you. If you are returning next year, the plans are already taking shape for great new things. So as summer rolls in, get outside, have an adventure, and by all means…READ A BOOK!
Go Tigers!
Mr. Sturgeon
Reminder that On-line Enrollment is scheduled to be opened on July 1st
In-Person Enrollment will take place on August 1st from 7:30 am – 7:30 pm
Back to School Bash on Aug 8th 5:30 – 8:00 at Tiger Stadium
Back to School Open House will be August 12th from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm