From FCCLA Adviser, Leslie Abbott…
We traveled to Manhattan for FCCLA Take AIM. This was our first year on the KSU campus and staying at Bluemont Hall across the street.
• Purple cow ice cream-Yum!
• Meeting kids from other Kansas chapters
• Learning leadership skills and about STAR Events
• Cyber bowling
• Listening to live music on campus
• Working with our leadership District E-West team
• Pics with Wille (live and statuesque)
The Kansas City Metro Challenger Football league wants you! It is an organized flag football league for boys and girls ages 5 and up who have special needs. They play in the fall and spring with open enrollment throughout the year. Players from all over the Kansas City Metro and other nearby areas are welcome and accommodations will be made for anyone who wants to play. There is no fee to play or equipment to buy. As long as the parents are willing to travel to the Heritage Park Football Complex, they will have a wonderful and safe place to play football.
Check out their website: to register online, see league details, game schedules, and find contact information. There is a DVD available that showcases the kids participating in the games. Check out the video on YouTube:
Upcoming HS events for the week of 9/8…
9/8 Grandparents’ Day
9/9 HS Band @ State Fair
9/9 FFA @ State Fair
9/9 JV FB @ Riley County 5pm
9/9 Board of Education Meeting 6:30pm
9/10 V GG @ West Franklin 1pm
9/10 FR/JV/V VB @ Silver Lake 5pm
9/11 Patriot Day
9/11 JV GG @ Shawnee Heights 2pm
9/11 Homecoming Royalty Assembly 3:10pm
9/11 Homecoming Activities 6:30pm
9/12 V CC @ Holton 5pm
9/13 USD 340 LATE START 10AM
9/13 Homecoming Royalty Ceremony @ Tiger Stadium 6:30pm
9/13 V FB vs. Royal Valley 7pm - Homecoming
9/13 Homecoming Dance @ HS 9-11:30pm
9/14 FR/SO VB Invite 8am
9/14 JV VB @ Holton 9am
It's Military Appreciation Night tonight at our first home Jefferson West Football game. All current and former service members are welcome and will be recognized; there is no admission for them. Please join us for the National Anthem on the field at 6:45pm.
Tiger community, our Jefferson West FFA Chapter is looking for sponsorships for their Affiliate Membership Program. The program provides an FFA membership to every student enrolled in an agricultural class. Because of the membership, the chapter isn’t able to collect dues from members, and are asking local businesses if they would be interested in donating to the program and the chapter. Any leftover money would then be used to pay for National Convention, FFA Blue Jacket grants, and leadership development opportunities. Below is the flier explaining the different divisions of donations and what they include. If you have any questions or would like to donate, please contact Steve Buss at 785-484-3331 or
Congratulations to the Lady Tiger Varsity golf team. They won the Jefferson West 18-hole Scramble we hosted yesterday. The Tigers were led by the team of Izzy Higgins and Taryn Taylor, who shot even par and took second overall. Also medaling and taking fourth overall was the team of Katelin Lohman and Emma Herring.
If you can't make it to the High School Volleyball games at the High School tonight vs. Hiawatha, you can watch it here! Matches begin @ 5pm.
You can stream it here:
The Booster Club meeting scheduled for tonight has been postponed to a later day.
Events for the week of 9/1…
9/3 V GG Scramble @ Village Greens 2pm
9/3 FR/JV/V VB Tri 5pm
9/5 CC Invite @ SNCC 5pm
9/5 FR/JV/V VB vs. Nemaha Central
9/6 V FB vs. Riley Country 7pm – Military Appreciation Night
9/7 V VB Invite 8am
Varsity Football Jamboree kickoff is 7pm on Friday, 8/30. It will be a great night under the lights! After-Prom is hosting a cook out & concessions. Come join us!!
Please join us for the 2024 Homecoming Festivities!
Introducing our 2024 Royalty Court: Once Upon a HOCO... Bryce Midgley, Tucker Holthaus, Drew Beilman, Kyle Herrman Sydney Sage, Lucy Henderson, Katelyn Petesch, Katelin Lohmann
Girls Golf season varsity opener tees-off at 1pm on Thursday, 8/29. Journey to Forbes Golf Course to watch firsthand. It's a great day to be a Tiger!
Picture Day is TOMORROW, Wednesday, 8/28. Order online at
As High School sports begin competitions this week, here's a BIG TIGER ROAR and best wishes for a great season!!
Volleyball Media Day! Here's to an awesome season!!
From High School Head Football Coach, David Bowen...
This picture is a reminder that sports and activities have a massive impact on so many different lives.. Represented here we have Jeff West Varsity Football, 7th-8th football, 3rd-6th Tackle football, HS Cheer and Dance teams, our school mascot and all of the parents that made it possible.. This was a great way to start the 24-25 football season!
High School Parents of Freshman and new students, join us at 6:30pm on Monday, 8/26 for an informational meeting. Hope to see you there!
Join us Monday, 8/26, at 7pm, for Back to School Night at the High School. You will get a chance to see your child’s classrooms and some of the work they have already created!
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Upcoming HS events for the week of 8/25…
8/25-26 FCCLA Take AIM @ Manhattan
8/26 HS Freshman/New Students Parent Informational Meeting 6:30pm
8/26 HS Back-to-School Night 7pm
8/28 Picture Day
8/29 GG Jefferson West Open @ Forbes Field 1pm
8/29 V VB @ Silver Lake Jamboree 5pm
8/30 V FB Jamboree 7pm