August 28, 2023
Meriden, Kansas - Jefferson West is still looking for a few host families in the community. Your family does not have to join the exchange. The Marquarstein group is from the Ger...
August 26, 2023
Meriden, Kansas - The Tiger Family is looking for a few more family members to support our 2023-2024 school year. We are looking for a few individuals who love students, love t...
August 25, 2023
Every Friday, when school is in session, our Tiger Family celebrates # Family Fridays . This tradition recently started where staff and students reflect on what our core va...
August 21, 2023
Meriden, Kansas - We heard from many of our local patrons that we would love an ongoing printed newsletter that provides an overview of Jeff West. With that input, we are excit...
August 19, 2023
Meriden, Kansas - The Jeff West Tiger Family is proud to introduce one of our many great new family members, Mrs. Brooklyn Petrie. Mrs. Petrie joins the Tiger family as our new M...
August 19, 2023
Meriden, Kansas - The Jeff West Tiger Family is proud to introduce one of our many great new family members, Mrs. Taylor Fechter! Mrs. Fechter is joining the Tiger Family as our...
August 19, 2023
Meriden, Kansas - The Jeff West Tiger Family is proud to introduce one of our many great new family members, Mrs. Taylor Fechter! Mrs. Fechter is joining the Tiger Family as our...
August 19, 2023
Meriden, Kansas - The Jeff West Tiger Family is proud to introduce one of many great new family members, Mr. Alex Thornburgh. Mr. Thornburgh grew up in Meriden and graduated fr...
August 18, 2023
Every Friday, when school is in session, our Tiger Family celebrates Family Fridays . This tradition recently started where staff and students reflect on what our core values ...
August 13, 2023
Meriden, Kansas - The August 14th Board of Education meeting is now scheduled to meet in the high school library at 6:30 PM. Please follow the link to access the agenda and all...
August 6, 2023
Meriden, Kansas- The Kansas Education Enrichment Program (KEEP) provides qualifying parents and guardians with $1,000 per eligible student to pay for a variety of educational goo...
August 6, 2023
Meriden, KS- Parents, students and community members are invited to the 2nd Annual Jeff West Back to School Bash! This year’s event will be held at the football stadium from 5:30...
July 16, 2023
Denver, Colorado, July 1-6, 2023 – Two members from the Jefferson West High School FCCLA showcased their remarkable talents and skills at the highly anticipated Family, Career, an...
July 16, 2023
Meriden, Kansas- USD 340 Jefferson West is pleased to announce that online enrollment is now available. If you are a returning family you can log in with your Skyward account. Fo...
July 12, 2023
As we begin to finalize the preparations for the 2023-2024 school year, Mr. Crawford is looking for a special group of Tiger’s to serve on the Student Superintendent Advisory Counc...
May 26, 2023
Dear Tiger Families, We are excited to share with you KEEP – the Kansas Education Enrichment Program which provides students from income-qualifying households a $1,000 to spend on...