USD #340 Guideline
Guide to Jefferson West USD #340 Board of Education Meetings
Information and Procedure Guide
It is the desire of your Board of Education to be responsive to its patrons. This information is designed to help you understand the responsibilities and operations of the Board. As your Board, we want you to attend Board meetings, keep informed on school issues, and express your view. We hope this guide helps you to do so.
The Board of Education consists of seven members elected by the voters of the school district for staggered 4-year terms. It's major responsibility is to determine and interpret the educational needs of the community and to harmonize any differences of opinion relative to formulation of policies on the best evidence available.
All meetings of the Board are open to the public and are regularly held on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office, 3675 74th Street, Meriden. The Board may schedule special meetings at other times, generally for special or emergency issues that arise from time to time in the life of a school district. These are limited to agenda items included in the meeting notice or as provided by law. During any meeting when specific matters requiring confidentiality arise, the Board may go into closed session for a specified length of time. State law defines items allowed in these sessions. Even in these instances, final action must be made in public session. Four votes are required for any action.
Citizen Access:
If you have an issue of general concern to the District or one you feel has not been resolved at a more direct level, you may address the Board in one of the following ways:
1. Patron Comments - you may come to any regular meeting and ask, before the meeting begins, to address the Board under this agenda item. Time limit: 5 minutes. Remember this is a public meeting so anything you say may be reported in the media. Be sure of your facts. Expect a study of your issue and comments back to you at a later date.
2. To Be Placed on the Agenda:
Notify the Superintendent seven days prior to the meeting.
Have a specific spokesperson appointed, if a group.
Be factual.
Realize once an agenda item is opened, others may wish to speak on the same subject, but not in agreement with you.
Expect action, but not necessarily a vote at the same meeting if further study is required. Many people with many viewpoints are affected by each decision. We are responsible to weigh these views.
3. Discussion: It is the desire of the Administration and the Board of Education to hear and involve the public during the decision-making process. Therefore, patrons are given a formal opportunity to bring to the Board questions, comments, or concerns as outlined above. Once an item is being discussed by the Board, patrons are requested to limit comments except when requested by the Board.
Letters of Inquiry:
If you have questions or requests for the Board and cannot attend the meeting, you may write to:
Board of Education
c/o Clerk of the Board
3675 74th Street, PO Box 267
Meriden, KS 66512
Phone (785) 484-3444