Tiger Closet Community Group

Tiger Closet is a Jeff West community group committed to helping students of USD 340 in need get the basic hygiene essentials so they can feel comfortable in a social setting. Tiger Closet also provides new and gently used clothing and shoes. Any student or their parent can reach out to us for hygiene essentials and/or clothing.

Tiger Closet can be contacted through the Facebook page listed below, the elementary library (484-2455), or email at:

Jill Morrow – jill.morrow@usd340.org

Phil Korb – phil.korb@usd340.org

Abby Martin - abby.martin@usd340.org

Students and parents will have several options on how they receive products. At school, pick up at the library, or a volunteer will drop off at their home.

By clicking the link below, you will be redirected to the Tiger Closet Community Group Facebook page.   Tiger Closet Facebook page is not owned or maintained by USD 340 - Jefferson West school district.  


(If you would like to make a monetary donation or have new/gently used clothes to donate, please contact Phil Korb or Jill Morrow.)