It's happening, Jeff West community! 🐯 Preschool Family Nights!! -See flyer for more information Please note: Both dates will consist of the same thing - this way you can choose what date works best for you and your family.
1 day ago, Erin Watson
Are you interested in being a Jefferson West High School Cheerleader? If so, please come to the informational meeting for candidates and parents tonight, Monday, at 6pm at the High School.! Even if you are undecided, come ask your questions and see what it's all about. Hope to see you there!
2 days ago, Jefferson West High School
Cheer Pre-Tryout Meeting
Students at Jefferson West Elementary School have been reading and enjoying the stories written by author and illustrator Peter Brown. Starting in the fall, each class read The Wild Robot as a class and when the movie was released the students climbed on buses and headed to Fox Theatre in Atchison to enjoy the movie and a bag of popcorn. Students and teachers had a wonderful time at the movie theater, and they were ready to kick off the new school year. Starting in January, the community started reading The Wild Robot Escapes as their One Book One Neighborhood selection. Local businesses help distribute copies of the books so everyone could be reading and discussing the same book at the same time. Students then discussed questions at school with their classmates each morning. This was a cross-curriculum project including art, computer and library classes. Students created a layered Wild Robot art piece, programmed Dash Robots in the Library and designed a robot prototype in computer class. This week, students wrapped up Read Across America week with a virtual author visit with Peter Brown. Peter had two sessions with students discussing his books. He discussed the writing process he goes through for his books. He walked students through where his idea came from for The Wild Robot, and then he guided students through creating their own drawing of “Roz”, the main character. The younger students listened to Peter read his book, My Teacher is a Monster. Students drew a picture of the “monster teacher”. Students were very engaged during both presentations and both staff and students enjoyed the time spent with Mr. Brown. He did tell students to watch for a new picture book about The Wild Robot to be released in the fall and he is working on a fourth book in The Wild Robot series. USD 340 would like to thank everyone that made this possible, especially our wonderful Elementary School Librarian Jenni Lloyd, Jeff West Booster Club and the Jefferson West Education Foundation.
3 days ago, Jefferson West USD 340
The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot
The Wild Robot
Daylight savings time begins Sunday, March 9, at 2am. Clocks advance one hour to make better use of the longer daylight available during spring and summer so that darkness falls at a later clock time. It ends at 2am on Sunday, November 2.
4 days ago, Jefferson West USD 340
Daylight Savings Time Begins
Jefferson West Middle School is looking for parents and community members to help provide a meaningful experience for our 8th graders. On the morning of April 17th, students will participate in a job shadow to explore different careers and workplace environments. If you or someone you know is willing to host a student or a small group of students for a few hours, please fill out this form: Your support helps inspire our students and shape their futures—thank you!
5 days ago, Jefferson West USD 340
Daylight Savings Time starts soon!
6 days ago, Jefferson West USD 340
Daylight Savings Time Starts Soon
TWO HOUR DELAY - MARCH 5 - Due to hazardous conditions, Jefferson West USD 340 will have a two hour delay on Wednesday, March 5. Classes begin at 10am. There will be NO Washburn Tech, TCALC, and Highland Tech classes and those students should report to the High School no later than 12:15pm. Be safe, Tigers!
7 days ago, Erin Watson
Jefferson West USD 340 will operate on a 2-hour delayed start schedule today, Wednesday, March 5. Classes begin at 10am. There will be NO Washburn Tech, Highland Tech, and TCALC classes. Those students must report to the High School no later than 12:15pm.
7 days ago, Jefferson West USD 340
2-Hour Delayed Start
Booster Club meeting tonight at Gambino's. Meeting starts at 6pm. Join us!
7 days ago, Jefferson West USD 340
Booster Club Meeting
A special Board of Education meeting has been scheduled for Monday, March 24, 5:30pm, at Jefferson West High School. Agenda Information:
8 days ago, Jefferson West USD 340
Special Board Meeting
The Kansas City Metro Challenger Football League is an organized flag football league for boys and girls ages 5 and up who have special needs. They play in the fall and spring with open enrollment throughout the year. Players from all over are welcome and will accommodate anyone who wants to play. There is no fee to play or equipment to buy. As long as players and their parents are willing to travel to the Heritage Park Football Complex, they will be given a wonderful and safe place to play football. Please check out their website,, to register online, see league details, game schedules, and find contact information. The following youtube link showcases participating in their games.
9 days ago, Jefferson West USD 340
KC Metro Challenger Football
This week ,USD 340 Jefferson West celebrates Read Across America. Read Across America is an annual celebration of reading that schools all across the country participate in. It's a chance to inspire more students to become avid readers and host activities that bring your whole community closer together. Tigers, lets celebrate the joy of reading!
9 days ago, Jefferson West USD 340
Read Across America
Regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting, Monday, March 3, at 6:30pm in the Jefferson West High School Library. Agenda: Zoom:
11 days ago, Erin Watson
Board Meeting
Chamber of Commerce Pancake Feed Saturday, March 8th. Spread the word! See flyer for details! 🥞
11 days ago, Erin Watson
Pancake Feed Flyer
USD 340 Board of Education came together with staff, teachers, and community members tonight to discuss one of their board goals - Staff Recruitment and Retention. Administration, staff members, teachers, even teachers from other districts, and a few community members were in attendance while they discussed strategies to address staff recruitment and retention with board members. On behalf of the USD 340 BoE, we would like to thank you all for your time, commitment to bettering our schools and outstanding input!
13 days ago, Erin Watson
Changes are coming to the Middle School after Spring Break for drop off and pick up in the morning and afternoon. Please refer to the diagram for explanation and instructions. If you have a High School student, family member, or daycare who drops the student off and/or picks up, please make sure they are aware of these changes.
13 days ago, Erin Watson
The new preschool playground was delivered today! 🛝 We're looking forward to seeing it assembled and all the little Tiger Cubs put it to use come the 2025-26 school year! 🐯
14 days ago, Erin Watson
A special Board of Education meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, 5:30pm, at Jefferson West High School. This is the February 12 rescheduled meeting due to weather. Agenda Information:
14 days ago, Jefferson West USD 340
Special Board Meeting
On Wednesday, 2/26, High School Student Services Coordinator Kasey Jensen will be hosting an informational meeting for incoming freshman (current 8th graders). It will be held at in the High School Commons at 7pm. Please plan to attend!
15 days ago, Jefferson West High School
Incoming Freshman Meeting